Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Have a Climbing Problem: An Epic in 7 Pictures

The following images may contain melodrama.

Viewer discretion is advised.

My "I will scale you, odd-looking cliffs" face
Taken roughly 5 minutes into our hike up the mountain
My "About to fall to my death" face
It was about this time that a German saw me and cracked up. Mission success.
"No worries... it's only 5 infinities away!"
The 30 foot drop is conveniently not visible from this angle, making me look like a forest creature.
For the record, this is a real place: the Bastei. And I will one day go back and climb this rock in the foreground.

1 comment:

  1. That second picture reminds me of a picture I need to send you :) Hope you're happy and having fun!
