Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Observations with Trey Gordner: Travel Edition

1) There is great need for live entertainment at airports.

2) I am unable to pass a small child without waving and/or making a funny face.

3) Miami from the sky looks like one big Burn Notice cut scene.

4) A 3-hour layover goes by fast… especially when you are combing other people’s music. Word to the wise, Wi-Fi in some airports automatically allows other Mac users to see/listen to your iTunes library!

5) The Borgias is essentially “Assassin’s Creed: The miniseries”.

6) My competitiveness knows no bounds. Guess who is now in the all-time top ten for in-flight trivia? The girl in the seat beside me cracked up when I fist-pumped. Also, the little seat-TVs had Bejeweled… let’s not talk about it.

7) Delta has ridiculously good in-flight music. There is no shame in trawling it.

8) Beware ticket-activated exit gates in train stations. They will think your rolling luggage is another person sneaking through behind you and squish it, to your great embarrassment.

9) Making bank notes of uniform size and shape is evidently only an American thing.

10) ALWAYS LOOK BOTH WAYS! a.k.a. It is very easy to nearly die when crossing the road in England.

Somewhere down there, Michael Weston is giving DIY spy advice.


  1. You're in England? Where? How long? Why? Why don't I already know the answers to these questions?

  2. I'm in London for just a couple of days! I thought I emailed you when you sent me the Scholar Buddy update... lol.
